What makes my family the happiest on our adventures? Sleeping in! Truthfully they love the adventure and get cranky if we don’t do enough activities. But correctly spaced throughout the trip, sleep-ins are like mini-vacations. We eat at the busy…

What makes my family the happiest on our adventures? Sleeping in! Truthfully they love the adventure and get cranky if we don’t do enough activities. But correctly spaced throughout the trip, sleep-ins are like mini-vacations. We eat at the busy…
$512 USD for a single ‘luxury’ room? It’s really outrageous. The wi-fi is broken, the toilet leaks all night and last nights food at the restaurant was inedible and expensive. I’ve never seen risotto as bad as we were served…
It’s official. Mutiny on the S.S. Creekmore. Emma, my last hope for a loyal mate to join me on my sunrise walk around Uluru rolls over and says ‘I’d rather sleep.’ Amanda and Lily had already begged out the night…
The views from the aircraft over the Outback are other-worldly. The airline flight attendant was nice enough to put us in empty rows where we each can have a window seat. Red everywhere and scattered low mountains. Salt flats and…
It’s not hard to rebound from the skydiving disappointment and the skytrain lameness. Next up is our favorite thing to do – scuba diving. We are booked aboard a high end liveaboard scuba boat for the next four days. We’ll…