Our Middle East posts are done! We still have about 60 percent of the video to compile and edit — it’s beginning to look like that may never get done. They look great! Thanks to Trish for photographing, editing and…
Sahara Desert and M’hamid, Morocco: Day 25
We don’t have to drive far today to our next spot, only about 25 miles. It affords us some time to sleep in (til 8 a.m., ha!) and eat a slow breakfast of fresh bread, both baked and a fried…
High Atlas Mountains and Zagora, Morocco: Day 24
Road trip, YEAH! Planes and trains can get us no closer to our destination. Our home for the next week is on the road, traveling south and east past smaller and smaller towns on narrower and narrower roads. Each night…
Luxor, Egypt: Day 12
Day 12 was planned as a light day, but boy did we need it. Breakfast includes good coffee in a French press. Over fruit, cereal and eggs, Trish and I are surprised at how much the girls retained from the…
Petra, Jordan: Day 4
It was a good night’s sleep for the first time in days. We awoke refreshed but it started off slow. Our driver didn’t show-up at 7am. After fighting with my phone and doubting that I had properly confirmed the reservation,…