Our Middle East posts are done! We still have about 60 percent of the video to compile and edit — it’s beginning to look like that may never get done. They look great! Thanks to Trish for photographing, editing and…
Video: Jordan Valley Pool and Dead Sea
Here is a video from our first few days at the resort in Jordan. The original blog is here.

Israel to Jordan to Egypt: Days 9-10
These are transition days from Jerusalem to Amman, on to Cairo and finally Luxor. They weren’t particularly eventful. We again crossed the bridge after saying goodbye the the American Colony, which is the kind of hotel you remember forever. Expensive…
Jordan to Israel Crossing: Day 5
Day five is a transition day. We ended our stay at the Jordan Dead Sea with a little spa activity – the girls got their nails and toes done. ‘Professionally painted’ Lily says with pride. Then a few runs down…
Petra, Jordan: Day 4
It was a good night’s sleep for the first time in days. We awoke refreshed but it started off slow. Our driver didn’t show-up at 7am. After fighting with my phone and doubting that I had properly confirmed the reservation,…