Over my shoulder the sun is breaking up the clouds above the Arenal Volcano. It’s day nine of our (nearly) two-week trip to Costa Rica, It’s been a blast. Hummingbirds are so close you can hear their wings beating. The…

Over my shoulder the sun is breaking up the clouds above the Arenal Volcano. It’s day nine of our (nearly) two-week trip to Costa Rica, It’s been a blast. Hummingbirds are so close you can hear their wings beating. The…
Trish discovered the newest lump in early March as we were doing our presentation at SXSW in Austin Texas. Sadly, and ironically, that presentation was on crowdsourcing cancer support and drew heavily on our last experience with cancer in 2010.…
Friday March 24, 1994, Manhattan It was raining on my birthday. Some friends told me to come with them for casual drinks after work. By 7pm I was wasted – as usual. We stopped at a Starbucks, one of the…
Last fall (2011) Trish put in an application to SXSW, the premiere interactive media conference, and they selected us to present a session entitled ‘Crowdsourcing Cancer Support: A Love Story.’ Well, we just came back, and it was a fantastic experience. There…