Tropical Adventure Emma and Lily beg for more quarters for the video game on our five hour layover in the newer international terminal of JFK, New York. The Empire State building and the skyline of Manhattan is visible over the…

Costa Rica Day 1: Crocodiles and Surfing

A birthday story
Friday March 24, 1994, Manhattan It was raining on my birthday. Some friends told me to come with them for casual drinks after work. By 7pm I was wasted – as usual. We stopped at a Starbucks, one of the…

Costa Rica Trip – Creekmore family travel adventure itinerary
“The Rich Coast,” as Christopher Columbus supposedly called it, is a unique place that is often overlooked in the news and history books because so much went right. Tico’s did what very few nations have ever done. They avoided the…

Cancerpalooza, Live On Stage! At SXSW
Last fall (2011) Trish put in an application to SXSW, the premiere interactive media conference, and they selected us to present a session entitled ‘Crowdsourcing Cancer Support: A Love Story.’ Well, we just came back, and it was a fantastic experience. There…

China, Thailand, Cambodia: The Asia 2011 Family adventure itinerary
Asia 2011 was our longest, hardest and most rewarding adventure. The pain and pleasure of being a family of four cramped together in small cars, Asian hotel rooms and jammed public transportation was only exceeded by the challenges and rewards…