Could there be a worse Monday morning? The milky haze that blankets beijing is hot and sour. It’s the worst weather we’ve seen in the past week. On the day we went to the wall, we could see the mountains,…

A little kick in the ass on our way out: Day 20-21 – Asia – China – Beijing

A Great Day on the Great Wall: Day 19 – China – Asia
Beijing has been usually cloudy and smoggy this past week. It’s normally a hazy city but apparently the rains have been much heavier this year. Blue skies overhead and a view to the mountains is better than I could have…

A working week in Beijing: Asia – China Days 15-18
The hotel made a mistake when it gave us free breakfasts and evening appetizers. Not only do we look like scruffy barbarians from Dunhuang, we eat like them too. We, the hungry wolves, scarf down fresh fruit, cereal with skim…

Beijing from a WWI motorcycle sidecar – Asia – China – Day 14
Perhaps we have left the best for last, but we all regret that our week across the country of China is over. Today we head to the capital, Beijing, and it will be completely different than anything we have seen…

Trekking the Gobi Desert on Buses, Horses, Hang-gliders, Camels and Vans: Asia – China – Day 13
At home we have sand from some deserts that we have visited, including the mother of all arid spaces the Sahara. The Gobi Desert is the worlds fifth largest desert (although the polar caps are #1 and #3, which seems…