In just a few days we begin what will perhaps be our greatest trip – to Africa: Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. Technically we’ve been in Africa already. But North Africa’s desert is a world away from east and southern…

Africa 2012: Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa – a family adventure itinerary

Our Costa Rica Adventure – March and April 2012
Costa Rica is the original adventure travel country, but now it’s got a lot of competition from the rest of the world. How does it stack up? You can see see for yourself on our 12 day trip to the…

Day 11-12 Costa Rica: Silent through the air, gallop through the woods
I pop out of bed with anticipation before the 4:00 am alarm goes off. Emma snores loudly in the room, her 12-year old arms, slightly too long for her changing tween body, are sprawled across the poster bed, her hand…

Final Cancer Week 8: Cool Philosophers, Hot Tempers and the Paradox of Life
Trish and I crossed our 14th anniversary on May 9th. One of the tragic facts about marriage is that as the years go on, you get better and better at being cruel to each other. Newlyweds fighting? Pfft, that’s just…

Final Cancer Week 5: Down the black hole
“How in hell does Bethesda support so many mediocre restaurants?” I think as I cross Montgomery Avenue on a sunny day. It’s like a tourist trap, but the locals are the tourists! A Twilight Zone episode. I’ve got the day…